Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (2025)

“The hard wing variants did not turn as well as the slatted models. Smaller planes could out turn it however a well flown Phantom was the king until the next generation fighters came out,” Rick Danzey, former USAF F-4 Phantom driver.

Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (1)

The McDonnell two-place, twinjet, all-weather F-4 Phantom II, with top speeds more than twice that of sound, was one of the most versatile fighters ever built. It served in the first line of more Western air forces than any other jet.

The F-4 established 16 speed, altitude andtime-to-climb records. In 1959, its prototype set the world altitude record at98,556 feet (30,000 meters). In 1961, an F-4 set the world speed record at1,604 mph (2581 kph) on a 15-mile circuit. By the end of production in 1985, McDonnellhad built 5,068 Phantom IIs, and Mitsubishi, in Japan, had built 127.

F-4s saw combat in both the Vietnam War and Operation Desert Storm and served with the air forces of 11 countries in addition to the United States. Both U.S. military flight demonstration teams, the Navy Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds, flew the Phantom II from 1969 to 1973.

While there isn’t any doubt about the aircraft tremendous capabilities, was there anything bad about the iconic F-4 Phantom?

According John Chesire, F-4 US Navy combat pilot during the Vietnam War, the mighty Phantom was nearly a perfect machine.

Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (2)

‘Nothing was “bad” about the F-4 Phantom!Only three things as I recall were regrettable… Its excessive engine smoke, itswide turning radius, and its lack of a gun. But its many strengths faroutweighed these lesser disadvantages. And with training, they were easilyovercome.

‘It was a superior aircraft along with itslater more advanced ‘look-down-shoot-down” pulse doppler radar (PD) weaponssystems in the “J” model. It was advanced for its time and years later too.

‘Designed as a high speed, long range fleetair defense interceptor against Soviet bombers, it thankfully never met thatmission. It later surprised everyone by how diverse its other superiorcapabilities were. The F-4 was extremely successful in varied multi-missions.

‘It was my most favorite aircraft that Iever flew! It was an awesome aircraft, and we became good friends together,forever!’

Rick Danzey, who flew U.S. Air Force F-4 Phantoms from 1980 to 1988 recalls:

Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (3)

‘The Phantom takes heat for itsmaneuverability. The hard wing variants did not turn as well as the slatted models.Smaller planes could out turn it however a well flown Phantom was the kinguntil the next generation fighters came out. Even then, a Phantom could do welltactically against 14s, 15s, 16s and 18s. I think that the two-seat Phantom wasa tactical advantage as it gave us a second set of eyes in the fight.

‘The smoke from the engines was an issue.The smokeless engines made a huge difference/improvement.

‘The radar was a limitation with bestcontacts occurring inside of 25 miles.

‘Regarding AIM-7 missile employment. MyWSO, Fish, and I had the opportunity to shoot one AIM-7F at a PQM-102 (droneF-102). We hit the maneuvering drone right in the weapons bay and broke thedrone in half. I did throw a party that night as it was the first kill for theWSEP deployment for our squadron.’

Instead according to Randy Raines, former Capt. USMC (1972 – 1980) F-4 RIO, the Phantom had several issues:

‘They were always broken. When you reportedin from a flight it was “up & up” if the plane and the avionics wereworking. “up & Down” if the plane was OK but the avionics was down. I canprobably count on two hands the number of times I called in “up & up”. Iwas in four squadrons over my career and everyone of them had all the planesgrounded until something could be fixed. Fuel leaks were a huge problem.

Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (4)

‘Designed as an interceptor the structurehad a hard time handling the high G’s of 1V1 combat. Then there was the bleedair system (which I understand the USAF shut down) that bleed hot exhaust gasover the leading and trailing edge of the wing when the flaps were down. Thatsystem was a continuous problem. Picture hot exhaust leaking next to a wingfull of JP-5. We came pretty close to losing a plane because the crew didn’trecognize the problem and didn’t shut the valve controlling the system off.

‘Then there was the problem in the tailwhen you pulled the drag chute. Radios, both comm and nav, designed in the 50’s(lots and lots of tubes) were Huge problem! A box maybe 10″ X 10″ by 20″ in thenose wheel well, another one about half that size under my seat, plus controlboxes for each cockpit. I remember a section flight out of San Francisco whereone plane had the comm, another had the nav, and the third plane was squawking(IFF). Just before I got out they reconfigured my cockpit and installed aBendix emergency radio above the radar scope. It was similar to the little boxyou see in Cessnas. Solid state reliability.

‘The F-4B had a pulse radar. If you were close, lower, had a peaked up set, and you knew about where the boggy was you could get a radar lock in the mountains. No way if you were looking down. The F-4J had a pulse Doppler Radar. When it was working there was no ground clutter. I think I may have had one that worked. But, our F-4’s were old Navy “hand me downs” Scuttlebut had it that one was flown by Randy Cunningham in Vietnam. He and Willy [William Patrick “Willy Irish” Driscoll, Cunningham’s RIO] must have pulled some serious G’s because the pilots said that they couldn’t make it fly straight.

‘The avionics shop got mad at us because we stopped turning on the “main” radio. I heard that the Navy crew that maintained the Blue Angles loved the simplicity of the A-4 that replaced the F-4 during the 70’s gas crisis. I imagine it was the extra time off they had that really pleased them.’

Nevertheless, Raines concludes:

‘Having said all that, I loved the F-4. It was a great plane that always brought you home.’

Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (5)

Photo credit: U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps

Former F-4 Crew Members Point Out Phantom’s Issues. And they Explain why they Loved Flying it despite its Flaws. - The Aviation Geek Club (2025)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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